time : 4.06 p.m
mood : little bad, with naughty sprue in my mouth
weather : sunny

hello bugz, long time no see :D hari ini, aku pulang sekolah JAUH lebih cepet dr 2 minggu sebelum-sebelumnya. asyik, kan? haha asyik bangeeet. but, there's manythings that I miss a lot in that weeks, like play PES with grace or frang, read novel, make a mess with putri and ledy, and flirt many boys (it's not serious, sure) there. I MISS THEM A LOT. tp baiknya, aku jd ketemu sm temen2 kelas yg ngangenin sumpah. and we came to Gung Yudha's house this morning. cepet sembuh ya gung :' aku miris sekali liat keadaannya... tp baiknya, dia tegar. dia mau maju. dia ga nyerah dgn keadaan itu. ttp smangat & cepet skolah ya! (p.s semoga km baca deh) ohya, ga lupa steak and shake '___' disana aku makan 2 porsi dgn keadaan sariawan yg menyiksa. coba bayangin deh perihnya nelen sm gigit kalo lidahmu luka :( but it's okay! asal samaX9 :3

p.s uhm.. wait for the pict about PSR & PORJAR SMANSA, wait!

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