my favorites notes♥

good afternoon love <3
how's your day? mine good. but there's always a problem. today my problem is my lazy habbit. I can't change it oh god x( pelajaran hari ini bikin badmood setengah mampus. dan tadi aku hampir kehilangan salah satu notes kesayanganku..

1. zebra binder
this is my newest notes, I got it from my sister, yeaaah how lovely you are, sist! hehe 
I like the motif of it, but it's too big. jadi sedikit sulit buat ngebawa binder ini kemana-mana, beda sama 2 notesku yang lain. but I still like it <3

2. simple white note
this is the note from my mum. she give me this note when I have nothing to draw. haha, iya, isi note ini kebanyakan gambar daripada tulisannya. you'd see the pictures in it, right? mau lihat gambar-gambarnya lihat aja di postinganku yg ini.

3. the piggy cute!
this is note from myself. hehe.. buku ini isinya coret-coret doodle gitu. buku ini paling asik deh, soalnya boleh dipake buat apa aja. tp note ini paling sering aku pake buat wawancara kalo ada tugas jurnal <3 cute, isn't it?

sekarang tebak aja, mana note favoritku? but I love all of it. semoga isinya berguna buat aku ya :D
I'm out bugz, there's Mr. Sadia's course now!

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