sweet become shit

good morning 6-02-11 :3
enjoy ur day, uh? SMANSA WIN ALL THE DBL COMPETITION! yeaaaaahh
bangga sekali sama SMANSA♥ Iloveyou smansaaa, tahun depan menang lagi yaaa!
okaay. next topic. it's about my ex boyfriend. GPN. he text me last night and two days ago. I surely miss him, but I don't need him as my boyfriend again. it's like my love life just stuck in him if I want him come back to me :p but I won't tell anyone like my other exboyfie do, iyuwh. I still hate you. dharma. I hate youu and I don't care what'll you said. you'd so sweet but this time what you have do is a shit. thanks for your... ah, forget. why I must tell a story about him? 
next topic. tomorrow scholl will begin. I hate this. please, I'm not ready to do many exams, tests, tasks, omg I still need a holiday :( I wouldn't go to school tomorrow! please! but it's just a dream or my mum will kill me. hahah :D so I ask my classmates, what's the tasks and tests for tmrrow. thanks especially for KIKI KEMULAN & RIMA ADILITHA. they always informated me about school tasks. thanks frieeendss :)) 
good. kalian tau? aku plg susah ceritain sesuatu di twitter, blog, fb. mau awalnya cerita segede gambreng juga ujung ujungnya singkat2 gitu. idunnowhy, mungkin krn aku ga mau org-org ngeliat aku terlalu frontal, kok hidup pribadi dibawa2 ke social site. dikira org terkenal, cerita pribadinya dicari-cari. haha :DD *ngigau
OHYAAA! aku lg otw pasang behel. kmrn baru discale. sabtu depan mau nyabut BANYAK gigi. (nyesel deh knp punya papa banyak gigi tp IlovePAPAtep :D) tp agak serem gmn gitu, soalnya pas scaling ada mbak - mbak yg pingsan grgr giginya dicabut. seremm kann? :'( doain byr aku g sampe pingsan ya huhu :'(

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