
GOOD. a very good job.
today I got many problems! I can't believe how unlucky am I today. headache, heartache, plus my exboyfie's words. I hope that tomorrow won't be the same! he said he is a backstabber. hell-o? I don't tell universe that you're a backstabber. do you know the differents of BESTFIE and EXBOYFIE? for sure, I hate you now. really hate you. I don't wanna talk with you anymore. I can't believe in you ANYMORE.
another time, my provider has stop provide blackberry's services anymore. WHAT A STUPID THINGS, uh? gak bakal aku beli pulsa sering2 lagi kalo kaya gini. sekaliaaan biar bangkrut! euuwww ;( like mas pocong said "I can't imagine life without a blackberry for a stupid reason" semoga bb ga jadi diblokir yaTuhaan, ameen o:)
third, aku semakin emosi aja, semakin lama obsesi buat jadi org yg bisa buat foto keren kaya org2 di tumblr, weheartit, everythings like that makin susah aja! huh, kalo ada yg punya ide tell me pls, okay? I don't know how to upload photos in we heart it tho. could someone help me? please :]
last, I don't know why, but I always having an obsession about TEDDY BEAR, MOGURA, AND ELMO. (it's just the big three, the reality is I have many obsessions about things, like cupcakes and polkadots!) who wanna buy me one? haha I hope many ppls will gimme that on 22th january, my birthday! wohooooo
NB: maaf kl postingan saya aneh-aneh. NOTHING special in my 2011, you guest. 

 this is teddy bear. I have 7 in my house. SEVEN! my lovely number, rite? ;)

this is mogura. lovely mogura. but in Indonesia, mogura isn't popular. where I can find mogura doll? tell me if you know ASAP

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