welcome holiday!

miss you!
hey blog, I have a new name toyou. "buggy" ? how it's look like?
but I hope you'll like it, smoooocchhh :* I think I've many bussiness, so I can't tell a much story to you since one week. but heyy, tomorrow is holiday! :D so I can shared many things to you today, bug. hmm.. where do I start?
ohyaaa. two days again, there'll nyepi day. a national day in Indonesia. do you know it? you can imagine how you mustn't turn on the television, radio, inet, lamp, serasa mati listrik seIndonesia deh. but the reality is there's still many of public that violate that rules. termasuk aku, tp mungkin emg bener bener bosen ya, makanya banyak pelanggar? tp di Bali, kita bener2 ga boleh keluar rumah. don't go out from your home or "pecalang" will get angry with you! masa, orang bali ga menghargai hari rayanya sendiri? -___-
oh, well done. why I have no ideas when I'm free? setiap ada waktu luang, setiap senggang, I wanna write anything on you but my idea's not increase. yg awalnya mau cerita banyaaaak sekali malah jd sesedikit ini, kan? but ah, who cares? I'm not a great journalist. although I like journalistics a much... maybe one of you who read this blog can give me some ideas, maybe? thanks before :D

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