
Goodnight the 16th of February :)
Haha, nothing I would do tonight. kesekian kalinya si kakak ngebuat kesel, janji aja tp bohong terus. seharusnya malem ini I'm in Rania's, but she lied. Sana deeh asik-asikan sendiri. I love you dear, but I'm really disappointed with you, my lovly sister :( yaaah, I forgive you twice.
Mmm.. it's about my las posting, valentine. aku belum cerita sepenuhnya kan ya? haha, I'll tell you now cause I have no works to do. And we're going to remembering....

#14th February-Valentine's day
pagi. I'm still in my mood of love, thinking about someone who'll give me bunch pf chocolates. so I prepared my school stuffs w love, wait and wait for my prince yuhuuuuu :) sekolah? apa yg kudapet? nothing. aku kira valentine ku bakal lebih menyenangkan drpd valentine tahun lalu yg kulewatin brg GrahadinthaPramaeswaraNanta. Kinda daydreamer, but it's true!! aku bener-bener ngarepin bakal ada yg ngasi aku coklatlah, minimal :( apalagi liat Ina dapet colourful roses dr Dicky. how sweet he is <3 but my disappointly had a little bit gone because X9, they give me cookies and handmade chocolate. then.then,then.... jam istirahat. surprise dr 2org. Kak Anga sm Ananta :D Kak anga gave me 2 RITTERSPORTS! thanks ya kak :) and Nanta gave me big toblerone. hihi, a lot thanks <3<3 maria, sintha and gekrahma gave me too, thanksss! but nothing special, from boy. I hope 3| Rima Kiki Ratih sebenernya sama galaunya sama aku, tp kiki ternyata dpt cookies banyak bgt dr dedek & ratih udh jadian sm dwiky. tinggal aku sm rima yg galau :( drpd galau, aku sm dea pergi buat jaga bazaar d dekade. and she got two roses and a magnum from kak saisnu. nah... aku jadi lebih galau. tp ternyata d bazaar kak Dwipa ngasi aku mawar putih sama toblerone! hwaaa. finally I got roses. thankyou kak :3 pulang ke rumah, boboho gave me three chocolates too. thanks! dempu jg ngasi mawar putih malem plg les. AAAAA I had many surprisesss!!!!! :D:D thanks all, I LOVE YOU :* 

-the end.
yaa, the end. cause I don't know how to tell you a long trip with just a blog. but I'd study much about it ;) in the night of 16th February, I hope you'll like my blog :)) 


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